Joanna Haynes is Associate Professor in Education Studies at the University of Plymouth, England. Following undergraduate studies in philosophy at the University of Kent, Joanna taught in primary schools in inner city Glasgow and Bristol, before gradually moving into teacher education and professional development and undertaking a master’s degree in education at Bristol University in the late 1980s. Her PhD (University of Exeter) is in philosophy with children. She is author of Children as Philosophers (Routledge 2002, 2008), which has been translated into Spanish, Greek, Korean and Farsi, and co-author, with Karin Murris, of Storywise: Thinking through Stories. Joanna has been involved in writing, presenting, teaching and leading courses in the field of philosophy with children since 1994. Her main research interests are in everyday ethics and critical and transformative pedagogies and she is currently involved with a project concerning the teaching of unsettling and troublesome knowledge. To email her Prof Karin Murris is Visiting Professor at the University of Wales in Newport (UK) and senior lecturer at the School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg, South Africa. She studied library science in Amsterdam, philosophy at the University of Leiden (NL), University of London (MA) and completed her PhD in philosophy with children in 1997. Trained under Prof Matthew Lipman, she pioneered the use of picturebooks for the teaching of philosophy, and helped to set up the professional development courses in philosophy with children in Britain. As co-director of consultancy Dialogueworks she has worked as an integrity consultant and philosophy with children senior trainer with children and adults in schools, businesses and universities for 20 years. Since starting at Wits School of Education, she has set up a Masters package, a BEd Honours option and coordinates the BEd Honours research projects. She also teaches PGCE students and supervises PhD, Masters and Honours students. She is the author of Metaphors of the Child's Mind, Teaching Philosophy with Picture Books and Storywise: Thinking through Stories (with Joanna Haynes). To email her Joanna and Karin have recently published in a special issue of Journal of Philosophy of Education 45(2), May 201. The theme of the journal is Philosophy for Children in Transition: Problems and Prospects. For further information go to For further information about philosophy with children go to For classroom resources on philosophy with children go to For link to Gibson, S and Haynes, J. Perspectives on Participation and Inclusion: Engaging Education published by Continuum go to Now click Listening, Juggling and Travelling in
Philosophical Space